Category: Opinion

What We Really Forgot: To Pray or to Love?

We are too God-oriented that sometimes we forget that we live in the world of human that needs real empathy and real love, instead of mere praying. Encouraging this country to deal with disasters only by praying and asking for repentance just makes vicious cycle of self-pity and self-blaming. We already did the praying. We already asked for the repentance. It is now time to speak with fellow mankind as much as we speak with God, not for saving us from disasters but to build the best world we could have.

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Terorisme dan Otoritas Agama

Ilmuwan sosial Bob Altemeyer menanyai dua kelompok responden (taat beragama dan ateis), apa yang akan mereka lakukan bila didatangi seorang anak yang sedang bingung memilih antara menjadi religius atau ateis. 98% responden religius menjawab akan mempengaruhi anak itu untuk memeluk agama mereka. Responden ateis, di sisi lain, 86% menjawab, “Saya akan menyarankan anak itu untuk membuka diri bagi sebanyak mungkin alternatif dan menentukan pilihannya sendiri.”

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