Democracy, Our Memory
This 2014 election is a test of how well we remember that our democracy is new and expensive was the price we paid to win it from a strongman. It can only thrive insofar we remember that it is not given.
Continue readingNathanael Gratias Sumaktoyo's Blog
"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies." -Mother Teresa
My writings that happened to be published in the media.
This 2014 election is a test of how well we remember that our democracy is new and expensive was the price we paid to win it from a strongman. It can only thrive insofar we remember that it is not given.
Continue readingTegas tidak sama dengan galak. Tegas bisa juga lembut. Dan dengan cara yang lembut, seseorang bisa saja mengubah dunia–atau memimpin negara.
Continue readingIt is democracy’s bitter truth that one cannot expect righteousness to prevail unless one also ensures that being righteous has political benefits.
The spirit in all this effort is to make parties parts again. When parties are no longer similar to each other, voters will have choices — real choices. To get there, voters must contribute.
Continue readingVariasi kandidat dalam isu minoritas sebagai indikator keterbukaan konvensi Demokrat tidak berarti bahwa kandidat yang berjanji melindungi minoritas harus menang agar konvensi terbukti benar terbuka. Bisa terjadi konvensi berlangsung terbuka namun tetap kandidat yang terpilih adalah kandidat yang ambivalen terkait minoritas.
Pertanyaan utamanya bukan siapa yang akan menang, tapi apakah posisi peserta konvensi dalam berbagai isu cukup variatif untuk menunjukkan bahwa yang coba mereka rangkul adalah khalayak luas dan bukan para patron partai.
Continue readingIndonesians’ love-hate relationship with the U.S. Although, seriously, it’s mostly love.
Continue readingMembiarkan kejahatan tidak sama dengan lalai berbuat baik.
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